which of the following is true about algorithms quizlet psychology

Research suggests that ________ affect the person's prototype for that category. Marilu Henners super autobiographical memory is known as hyperthymesia. 90. This is one of the reasons why much of what we teach young children is done through song, rhyme, and rhythm. Craik and Lockhart (1972) proposed the levels of processing hypothesis that states the deeper you think about something, the better you remember it. By following the instructions correctly, you are guaranteed to arrive at the right answer. _____ involves the ability to think about something in novel and unusual ways and to devise unconventional solutions to problems. Recalling the names of the members of a famous football team is an example of. For example, if you are studying for your chemistry exam, the material you are learning will be part of your explicit memory. B. a. the same ability. They are also known as "rules of thumb." Dr. Ambrose is administering an intelligence test, and one question asks, "During what month of the year does the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) basketball championship games start?" You might perform this script two or three times each day. 90. b. females. grove hill medical center new britain, ct; . c. a memory of a favorite childhood book. where the event takes place. b. Margaret fell down her basement stairs and suffered serious injury to her amygdala. Which of the following describes how algorithms are useful? The representativeness heuristic There are memories in visual-spatial form, as well as memories of spoken or written material, and they are stored in three short-term systems: a visuospatial sketchpad, an episodic buffer (Baddeley, 2000), and a phonological loop. Determine the value of the conduction parameter required so that VO=0.70VV_O=0.70 \mathrm{~V}VO=0.70V when VI=0.75VV_I=0.75 \mathrm{~V}VI=0.75V. MiniLab 1 If you carefully place a steel razor blade flat on the surface of water, the razor blade can be made to float. Advertisement. If complete accuracy is required, it is best to use an algorithm. Storage is the creation of a permanent record of information. c. gifted people are more prone to mental illness. Now, unscramble the following letters to make a word. An algorithm is a finite sequence of precise instructions for performing a computation or solving a problem. b. confirmation bias. The voyage wasn't delayed because the bottle shattered. c. Superordinate concepts c. 30 Explicit memory is sometimes referred to as declarative memory, because it can be put into words. For instance, the memory of your last birthday is an episodic memory. Cooper's father believes that his career is more important than raising his son. c. three D. hindsight bias. Encoding involves the input of information into the memory system. (credit: Gideon/Flickr). A(n) _____ is a physical or biological deprivation that energizes the drive to eliminate or reduce the deprivation. c. what a person knows about a particular type of object does The type of short-term memory (or computer file) depends on the type of information received. d. severe depression. A triangle always has three angles and three sides. If an outcome measure is normally distributed, this means that We encode the sounds the words make. and you must attribute OpenStax. Semantic encoding involves a deeper level of processing than the shallower visual or acoustic encoding. A. generalized. Had you read, Some people really enjoy growing flowers. a. ADHD C. Vocabulary usually decreases below 50 words per day when children are between ages 9 and 11. Answer the following statements true (T) or false (F) in Business. a. snacks and friends. An Algorithm simply refers to the process or the set of rules which are vital in calculations. Algorithms can be used to achieve just about any logical flow, but based on the input, expected output, and complexity of the logic to get from the input to the output, the efficacy of an algorithm can vary. Both memory trace decay and proactive interference affect short-term memory. B. algorithm Because you can recall images (mental pictures) more easily than words alone. Why or why not? C. all scores are around the average score. Gardner would say that an astronaut is high in: It is very brief storageup to a couple of seconds. B. representativeness heuristic. e. $23,000. B. accuracy You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Unlike short-term memory, long-term memory storage capacity is believed to be unlimited. a. communicate They are used to evaluate the solutions. D. employ heuristics rather than algorithms as the problem-solving strategy. A more creative method of problem-solving is the use of: For example, while it is quite common for people to greet one another with a handshake in the United States, in Tibet, you greet someone by sticking your tongue out at them, and in Belize, you bump fists (Cairns Regional Council, n.d.). When solving a problem, if a person is hesitant or unable to think beyond solutions that have worked in the past, he or she is stuck in: c. means-end analysis. A. A. intrapersonal Confirmation bias Simply put, cognition is thinking, and it encompasses the processes associated with perception, knowledge, problem solving, judgment, language, and memory. In the process, your brain gathers details that inform and refine your understanding of related concepts like democracy, power, and freedom. Some images used in this set are licensed under the Creative Commons through Flickr.com.Click to see the original works with their full license. c. schizophrenia You know snow from the indirect experience of seeing pictures of falling snowor from watching films that feature snow as part of the setting. The terms short-term and working memory are sometimes used interchangeably, but they are not exactly the same. In psychology, for example, Piagets stages of development are abstract concepts. If, however, youve lived your whole life on the island of Saint Vincent in the Caribbean, you may never have actually seen snow, much less tasted, smelled, or touched it. According to the social brain hypothesis, each of us can deal effectively with social interactions with roughly 150 people. Episodic memories are also called autobiographical memories. This is an example of a(n) _____ is the tendency to make judgments about group membership based on physical appearances or the match between a person and one's stereotype of a group rather than on available base rate information. words merely reflect rather than cause the way we think. B. refers to the ability to yield a consistent result to what it is intended to measure. In order for a memory to go into storage (i.e., long-term memory), it has to pass through three distinct stages: Sensory Memory, Short-Term Memory, and finally Long-Term Memory. He later realized he could have just held his cell phone under the seat to help illuminate the area. Problem solving/concepts A person's knowledge about the world is known as _____ memory. It involves bottom-up processing. A. Language could help a child learn to control social behavior. d. "private speech" was a sign of a mood disorder. pseudorandom number generator (PRNG), is an algorithm for creating a sequence of numbers whose properties approximate those of a random number. a. the less likely that person will succeed in an academic setting. a. communicate with one another; dream more vividly The different files stored in the file cabinet are called concepts. d. music notes on a keyboard. It probably required a lot of work and attention on your part in order to encode that information. B. a person's age at the time the memory is processed. _____ are mental categories used to group objects, events, and characteristics. Some concepts, like tolerance, are agreed upon by many people, because they have been used in various ways over many years. They take a step-by-step approach to performing a task. Which of the following is the first step in the problem-solving process? consent of Rice University. During active rehearsal, you repeat (practice) the information to be remembered. Q. A. risk avoidance a. creative By following the instructions correctly, you are guaranteed to arrive at the right answer. c. the more likely that person will succeed in an academic setting. For example, imagine you meet someone who introduces himself as a firefighter. An event schema, also known as a cognitive script, is a set of behaviors that can feel like a routine. For example, you might easily recall a fact, such as the capital of the United States, but you might struggle to recall the name of the restaurant at which you had dinner when you visited a nearby city last summer. If a child's mental age is higher than her chronological age, this means that b. phoneme answer choices. B. Fast or frugal, but not both: decision heuristics under time pressure. Implicit memories are long-term memories that are not part of our consciousness. A. most scores are around the average score. A. Heuristics take more time than algorithms. which of the following is true about algorithms quizlet psychology. 2010;47(4):554-69. doi:10.1037/a0021184, Bobadilla-Suarez S, Love BC. Our powerful event schema dictates our behavior in the elevator, and it is no different with our phones. A. are vague and/or ill defined A. B. Which of the following essential body functions are monitored by the autonomic nervous system? If someone asks you what you ate for lunch today, more than likely you could recall this information quite easily. Which of the following statements describe how algorithms are used in everyday life? Want to cite, share, or modify this book? You can see that the sentences are now much more memorable because each of the sentences was placed in context. C. 90. d. processing speed. What could have affected Genie's mentally? Very few people can recall events in this way; right now, fewer than 20 have been identified as having this ability, and only a few have been studied (Parker, Cahill & McGaugh 2006). To make this process more complex, the brain does not gather information from external environments only. When problem-solving, deciding which method to use depends on the need for either accuracy or speed. b. analytical And although hyperthymesia normally appears in adolescence, two children in the United States appear to have memories from well before their tenth birthdays. TrueThe symmetric key algorithm is a class of cipher that uses identical or closely related keys for encryption and decryption. Implicit procedural memory is often studied using observable behaviors (Adams, 1957; Lacey & Smith, 1954; Lazarus & McCleary, 1951). c. actual tasks involving cognition. Implicit priming is another type of implicit memory (Schacter, 1992). After participants were presented with the words and questions, they were given an unexpected recall or recognition task. The last step in the problem-solving process is _____. A. inductive reasoning. Psychology is considered a science and comes from a foundation of chemistry because of its focus on research. choose the best data from the set. It involves learning information that you previously learned. Lang JM, Ford JD, Fitzgerald MM. They love going outside to their garden, fertilizing their plants, and watering their flowers, you probably would have come up with the word "petal" instead of plate. D. Children understand metaphor and satire usually between ages 11 and 14. 110. If you are redistributing all or part of this book in a print format, What are the most effective ways to ensure that important memories are well encoded? b. the representative heuristic. However, this would be very time-consuming and treatment needs to be implemented quickly. the process of identifying rare or unexpected items or events in a dataset that do not conform to other items in the dataset O mathematical formulas placed in software that performs an analysis on a dataset o extracts knowledge from data by performing statistical . While often thought of purely as a mathematical term, the same type of process can be followed in psychology to find the correct answer when solving a problem or making a decision. As long as the professor was dressed appropriately, it does not really matter what she was wearing. They are devised while developing problem-solving strategies. 130 c. Algorithms Developmental psychologists use the term _____ to refer to a person's genes or biological inheritance. If a test does not measure what it's supposed to measure, then it lacks: In what order should you run your errands? a. a mental set. c. Analytical intelligence b. heuristic devices. You know what it looks like, smells like, tastes like, and feels like. Other concepts, like the characteristics of your ideal friend or your familys birthday traditions, are personal and individualized. According to Erikson's theory of socioemotional development, the first 18 months of life are devoted to mastering which developmental task? However, the activations do not spread in just one direction. Juli 2022 . b. divergent thinking. a. symbols on a keyboard and sign language. 30 seconds. Whitney took Spanish in high school, but after high school she did not have the opportunity to speak Spanish. b. algorithm. Intervention bias c. the representative heuristic. a. Psychoanalysts A schema is a mental construct consisting of a cluster or collection of related concepts (Bartlett, 1932). Which of the following statements is true of subgoals? Which of the following represents the correct chronological sequence of Piaget's stages of cognitive development? What did Harry Harlow demonstrate in his classic study of attachment amongst baby monkeys? Upon waking each morning, you begin thinkingcontemplating the tasks that you must complete that day. ________ is a learning disability characterized by difficulty with learning to read fluently and with accurate comprehension, despite normal intelligence. C. Fixation In short, you know snow. b. It was first demonstrated by William Bousfield (1935) in an experiment in which he asked people to memorize words. Which of the following is true of concepts? Semantic networks differ depending on personal experiences.

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